Gray Oak Gives Back

We have a truly awesome announcement for you.

Since establishing Gray Oak Studio in 2017, we have been fortunate to grow our business tremendously and so much of our success is thanks to the support of our local community. Every word of mouth recommendation, every follow on our Facebook page and like on our Instagram posts, every encouraging word in the grocery store check out line by someone who heard through the grapevine about our leap of faith venture. All of it made us feel supported and encouraged and motivated. We are truly lucky to come from such a wonderful place.

This month, as a thank you to all the inspiring and supportive community members, we are kicking off an annual initiative: Gray Oak Gives Back. We are donating our design services to worthy project - someone truly deserving of a beautiful room transformation. And after finishing a design consultation earlier this month, we knew we had found our special person and our special project.

Okay, so let’s dive into the project itself. It’s a living room and the layout is…interesting. Below is a relatively accurate Birdseye view.

Gray Oak Studio Gives Back - Room Layout

Like many older New England homes, there was no TV wall considered in the design. Eighty years ago (this house was built in the 1938), TV wasn’t the time-sucking, oh-so-magical vice that it is nowadays. But, like most modern living rooms, this room needs a TV. And to make that happen we have to contend lots of windows, doors and a large fireplace. More on this layout dilemma to come in the weeks ahead.

The TV is currently in a corner…and we don’t love this plan though we understand why our Client landed with this option. We’re not 100% ruling out the possibility of keeping it here, but we’re at a 90%.

Gray Oak Gives Back - Layout Brainstorming - TV Dilemma

The fireplace has the potential to be an amazing focal point, but it’s looking a bit underwhelming at the moment between the original (Yes, original.) brass door, the red brick surround and the dated details in the wood mantel. Oh, and the hearth. The red tile hearth, sigh. We got big plans for this guy.

Gray Oak Gives Back - Fireplace BEFORE
Gray Oak Gives Back - Fireplace BEFORE

This room is also covered in very old wallpaper with original wall sconces instead of overhead lights.

Gray Oak Gives Back - Lighting Issues

And the furniture is several decades old…several.

Gray Oak Gives Back - Dated Furniture

So, here is our list of To Dos for this transformation:

  • Remove wallpaper and paint the walls

  • Remove old sconces and add recessed lighting

  • Relocate old sconces above fireplace

  • Update fireplace - new hearth, new surround and maybe a couple other tweaks…

  • New window treatments

  • All new furniture - sofa, armchairs, coffee table, media console, rug

  • New decor

Here’s the really fun part, we have started a Pinterest page with all of our inspiration and ideas for this project. Please check it out. Leave comments. We would love for you to follow along as we create this special space. And stay tuned for more information on our amazing client. So much fun to come.

- Leah + Sonia

PS - We have a video tour on our Instagram highlights if you want to get a better feel for the room!