Wednesday Five - 27 (New Year 2020 edition)
/Happy New Year everyone! 2020 is here (you’re probably aware) and it feels a bit more momentous than your average new year because it’s a new DECADE. We’ve left the teens and are officially in the twenties. And we all know that our twenties are/were full of big deal transformations.
With that, there feels like a touch more pressure to really layout some goals and resolutions and hopes and dreams. And then, even more pressure to jump right in and make them reality. Anyone else feel this way? We follow Emily Schuman on Instagram and her “Goals and Gratitude” Journal (and her amazing handwriting) is both inspiring and anxiety inducing.
So, for today’s Wednesday Five, we wanted to share an idea to kick off your new decade in a wonderful way:
Get a Hobby.
No really. We’re not suggesting this in the way that your older sister suggested/yelled it when you were 12 and she was 15 and you were eavesdropping on her phone conversation with her boyfriend. We’re suggesting it as moms of three who run their own business and get caught in the chaos of life easily and often. We love (and need) our hobbies to distract us from our everyday worries and focus our minds on something fun and productive. Plus, there’s legit science that hobbies make people happy. Google it.
So, we’ve rounded up 5 new hobbies for you to consider. We chose them because they’re low cost (in some cases no cost) and don’t require any major commitment. The idea is to add fun and personal wellness to your life. Even if in 5 minute doses every other day.
Indoor Plants
Sonia is a true green thumb. If you’ve been following us for any length of time you know that we both love plants, but Sonia is the only one who successfully and repeatedly keeps them alive. A few of you are now cocking your head to the side and questioning whether “indoor plants” is a hobby. Let me assure you it absolutely is - as is any activity that is done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure (thanks for the definition Google). A plant will require regular attention (even the low maintenance guys need water every now and then). And it’s a great starter hobby because the “regular” part of the activity is as little as 30 seconds once a week.
Our best recommendation for a starter plant: pothos ivy.
via urban outfitters
Crochet/Knit/Cross Stitch/Embroidery
I come from a long line of crocheters and I love to crochet. That’s what my personalized mug would say if someone chose to make one for me. Crocheting, along with knitting, cross stitching and embroidery, is a hobby you can work for 5 minutes or an hour. You don’t have to commit to any certain amount of time a day and you can skip days without any consequence. On the other hand, when you have a chunk of time, you can get into a rhythm and it’s truly meditative. And when you’ve completed a project you have something to show for it, which leads to the enthusiasm to try something new or more challenging. I found a bunch of amazing “starter kits” for you to try.
This is one of dozens and dozens of embroidery kits from Cozy Blue Handmade. So many cute and funny options.
This Wool and the Gang embroidery kit from Madewell is currently on sale!
VIA Madewell
We found a fantastic blog post from Stitched Modern (A Beginner’s Guide to Cross Stitch) and below is a starter kit. Who doesn’t love La Croix?! This might be my first “new hobby” purchase.
This is the sweetest little “How To Knit” guide and scroll down for a couple adorable start kit options.
This is a kit for a scarf from Knifty Knittings.
VIA Knifty Knittings
And here is a kit for chunky knit hat. Looks so soft and maybe a quicker road to the finish line because the yarn is so big.
Lots of awesome crochet kits to test. Love that everything is included in the one below - no guesswork.
via Little Conkers
And these winter headbands are from All About Ami (Stephanie Lau) who is my personal favorite for modern crochet patterns. You’ll need to pick up the yarn and the crochet hook on your own - it’s easy, just a trip to JoAnn Fabric, Michaels or Amazon and you’ll be off - but picking your own color yarn is nice.
via All About Ami
Yes, reading is also a hobby! And, like the hobbies above, it doesn’t require a set amount of each day, which is wonderful for members of a chaotic household (like us). You can pick up and leave off as you’re able. Though, the whole idea of a hobby is something you do regularly…so…once a month shouldn’t be your goal.
I finished The Witch Elm by Tana French over the holiday break and am currently reading Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond. I like to alternate between something fun and something serious/educational-ish. Tana French is one of my favorite mystery writers, her stories take place in Ireland. There is a new series on ShowTime based on her novels (however, like they say - not as good as the book!). And Jared Diamond has a way of teaching history (NOT my favorite subject) in a digestible way that makes you think. Meanwhile, Sonia is currently reading The Dutch House by Ann Patchett. And, so far so good!
That’s right. Stretching. We’re not preaching jogging or hot yoga or HIIT or Orange Theory or the newest, greatest exercise regime. While exercising is certainly a wonderful hobby, we don’t want to recommend a certain exercise that may be all wrong for you based on your personal medical/physical history. Plus, the truth is that you must be consistent to achieve any results with exercise - physical or mental. Stretching is just the opposite, it’s good for everyone (as far as we know) and you can achieve results each and every time you do it. A morning stretching routine can take just 5 minutes and start off your day with a little flexibility, something we can all use.
And so we end where we began - trendy journals like Emily Schuman uses. Nowadays there is literally a perfect journal for every type person out there. You might be someone who could use a blank page to write or draw or doodle for 10 minutes when you’re waiting at the doctor’s office. Or maybe you’re the type who wants to start your day off by writing your plan, goals and reminders on neat lines. Maybe you just have time to scratch down a single line/phrase/word the sums up the day before bed. All these journals exist. And, there are a host of benefits (physical and mental) accomplished by journaling.
The Dailygreatness Journal is literally all of the above and more.
vIa Daily Greatness
This Five-Minute Journal is a guided journal, which is great if you want/need a little direction. Sometimes just looking at a blank piece of paper can be more anxiety inducing than the anxiety reducing.
These journals (below) are a little less guided than the one above, but still have some prompts.
And this one is just beautiful and blank.
We hope you’ve been inspired by something in this post. It’s a new decade, a new year, a new day to try something that will make you a bit happier and more fulfilled.
- Leah
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