Details from the Designer - Vol. 9

For the second month in a row I have failed to share a new blog post on the planned date - 1st of the month. As you may have read on our Instagram stories, January and February were filled beyond the brim with illness for everyone in my family. We had multiple bouts of strep throat, a round of the regular old stomach bug and a horrific week of norovirus, several stints of the common cold and a couple ER visits for allergic reactions. It was just about too much and everything else in life became less important.

That said, we are all feeling much better. And I’m optimistic that spring will bring good health and many other good things. That is a little Easter egg…keep your eye on our Instagram page because an announcement is coming…

Styling Breakdown

Today’s styling breakdown is very simple - art. We had a ton of interest in this piece when we recently posted a carousel of images from the tween girl’s bedroom of our Sevinor Project. It is a digital image and you can print it is large as you would like - link HERE.


Fashion Find

I just bought this Nike yoga pullover and I’m obsessed. I love snagging end of season sales like this one - link HERE. And I love wearing clothes that bridge the gap between comfortable and cute without looking like I’m actually heading to the gym. I may be fooling myself with the latter part of that sentence.


Keeping Myself Busy

I’m in the car A LOT. Just last week I made the journey from Lynnfield to Watertown and then straight up to Marblehead. If you’re not from around here, it’s not a particularly efficient plan and I was in the car for the better part of my afternoon. I try to multi-task with calls to clients and vendors and customer service (my least favorite), but I also listen to books and podcasts. And I’m constantly looking for new content to keep me entertained.

I recently asked our Instagram followers to share their favorite true crime podcasts, one of my favorite genres. And now, I’m very excited to share the wealth with you. First, here are three podcasts that I have listened to and highly recommend: The Retrievals, S-Town, Bear Brook. Second, here are what followers shared:

Runaway Princesses

Crime of the Truest Kind

Dr. Death

Dirty John


Crime Junkies

My Favorite Murder

Local Fun

I don’t have anything particularly unique to share for local fun in March. Truth be told, I’m just trying to stay healthy. But I did discover that Lynnfield Marketstreet has an events page and I love a lot of the March events. There is a code (BYOB) to get a free manicure for your bestie at Miniluxe. There is a special dinner at Burton’s in celebration of Women’s History month. Banana Republic is having a friends and family sale (40% off). And a lot more.

There you have it. Until April (which is 2 weeks away!!!).

Cheers, Leah

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Details from the Designer - Vol. 8

Happy start of February, a few days late! I’ve officially missed my goal of having a new blog post ready for you on the first of every month. In my defense, January was the sickest my family has been in a long, long time. Maybe ever. We had a bunch of the stomach bug, conveniently spread out of the course of 2 weeks. We had strep throat. We had common colds with some uncommon side effects. The full smorgasbord.

With all that, I’m catching up on everything else. Work, laundry, etc. But, I have known for a while all the fun stuff I would be sharing this month. So, I’m excited to finally share it!

Styling Breakdown

We recently shared a reel on Instagram about a simple formula for styling your coffee table in a beautiful, functional way: Tray + coffee table book + pretty box for remotes + decorative object/plant. This works on round, rectangular, glass, wood, big, small, black, natural, etc. coffee tables. The key is to find add the colors and personality that work best for your home and family.

As a short cut to a finding a great coffee table book, we now have an Amazon Storefront with a huge section full of our favorites.


This is from our roslindale project that will be fully revealed this spring.


Source List

Fashion Find

I love this time of year for some great sweater sales. These sweater is in my Nordstrom basket at the moment.


I own this sweater in this color and I love it.


I just bought this sweater after seeing it featured on The Extra Petit blog (PS - I’m not extra petite…she is, but she shares clothes that work for everyone). Waiting for it to arrive and I’ll report back!


Keeping Myself Busy

I’m currently juggling way too many books: The Nightingale, The Meritocracy Trap, The Covenant of Water (this is on the back burner for now…so long…even though I’m listening). I finished the limited series BEEF on Netflix after watching The Golden Globes and seeing all the accolades. It was a lot of fun. Quick episodes, fast moving plot, twists and turns, funny. I’m now watching the limited series True Crime with Jodi Foster on Max. Only one episode in and I’m intrigued.

Local Fun

On Saturday, February 17th, The Merry Lion is having a big warehouse sale from 9 am - 12 pm. They are located at 6 Albion Street in Wakefield. All their adorable stuff will be up to 80% off. Fine Print: cash only, bring your own bag, all sales final. I’ll see you there!!!


Until March! Stay healthy!!!

- Leah

*This post contains affiliate links*


Details from the Designer - Vol. 7

Welcome to 2024! You, me, all of us - we’re here! We’ve officially stepped onto a blank canvas.

Choice and opportunity feel more abundant when there is a symbolic new chapter of life. So, lean in. From a home design perspective, make a thoughtful plan for a transformation that you truly need. Get out your pen and paper and map out what update you will make. The list should be short and achievable. You can always make another list!

For example - “Restyle my living room built-in”. Take measurements of the height and width of each shelf and put them in the Notes section of your phone to have them handy at all times. Buy yourself a mini tape measure (like this one) so you can be ready to check the size of a great basket or coffee table book when you spot it randomly in a store. Create a Pinterest Board of your inspiration so you can thoughtfully zone in on your style (i.e. light wood or dark wood, certain colors, metal finishes, a special object that inspires you, etc.). Make a shopping list: books, planters, baskets, decorative objects, frames, etc. And then schedule a few hours on your calendar to get it done. Don’t leave the execution phase to chance. Even if it’s 2…3…4…months from now, pull aside the time to make it happen:

  • 2-3 hours to shop for everything

  • 2-3 hours to try your hand at styling

  • 2-3 hours to return anything that didn’t work out

These hours/days may be all in one weekend or spread out of a few weekends, or even months. Just make sure you can return everything you don’t ultimately use before the return window lapses. Goals are great. But achievements need action plans. Whether it is a bathroom refresh (paint, new mirror and light fixture) or transitioning your toddler’s bedroom into a big kid bedroom or furnishing your patio. Plan an update that is going to make day-to-day life more beautiful, but also easier and happier.

Styling Breakdown

We are giving away the milk for free in today’s breakdown. It’s nearly everything in this vignetted from our Atkinson Project, not just the decor. To start, the wall colors are Swiss Coffee and Van Deusen Blue (both from Benjamin Moore).

Next, everything else. This is a great storage solution for tight kids spaces because these wall mounted shelving units sit snug to the wall. They also feel airy compared to a classic bookshelf thanks to the light colors and the etagere style. We combined true storage decor (baskets, bins and pretty boxes) with actual decor (fake plants) with toys. Kid spaces don’t call for much on the personality building side of decor thanks to all those toys and books.


Source List:

Keeping Myself Busy

What have I been up to other than getting through the holidays? Hmmm. Not a ton. The one thing worth sharing is that I have been trying to improve my posture. I have always had pretty bad posture and it’s only gotten worse over the years. All the phone scrolling and work from home has my chin down and my neck/shoulders in pain.

I have followed Movement by David on Instagram for years. Mostly out of amazement by some of his reels and slightly because I’ve aspired to someday stretch more. I recently injured my leg (nothing a little physical therapy can’t handle), but it has me thinking about my flexibility in general. And I decided to get the Posture guide (it’s FREE). And it has been tremendously helpful. Actually blows my mind how difficult some of these simple stretches are and how effective they are in pulling my shoulders back.

Fashion Find

You may have seen this on our Instagram stories - Sarah (one of our Lead Designers) found us the best dupe of Krewe sunglasses (LINK here). I’m so happy with them. One of my best purchases of 2023.


Local Fun

January is a pretty sleepy month in the Boston area. Everyone is recovering from the holiday rush and contending with freezing temperatures. That said, I found a few fun things to get you through this winter month:

Madonna: The Celebration Tour concert at TD Bank North (Jan 8 and 9)

A Beatles Tribute Band is playing at the Wilbur Theatre (Jan 9)

Boston Wine & Food Festival (Jan 12)

Moulin Rouge musical is touring in Boston (Jan 16-20)

I hope you have a truly wonderful kick off to this new, fresh year. Whether it’s full of resolutions and transformations. Or, if it’s full of relaxation and downtime. I hope you are able to truly enjoy and set intentions for your year.

Until February!

Cheers, Leah

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